Path2Integrity Mini-Conference: promoting research values

18 NOV 2019

Infographics summarising main discussion points from the meeting. Credit: Holly Draws

Path2Integrity organised in a mini-conference on teaching Research Integrity that took place on 29 October in Brussels, Belgium, and welcomed more than 80 stakeholders, members from different faculties, representatives of research ethics committees and research integrity offices. The event was held following the final conference of the Horizon 2020 project ENERI (European Network of Responsible Conduct of Research). 

Following an introduction into formal and informal learning by project coordinator Julia Prieß-Buchheit, Path2Integrity led two workshops: "How to teach Research Integrity to students and young researchers?" and "Role-Models and facts to support Research Integrity – A Campaign!". Their aim was to promote reliability, honesty, respect and accountability in research among young generations of students and researchers. 

During the first workshop, the efficiency of the Path2Integrity learning cards as a teaching method was tested and various parties provided important feedback. By using role-play and storytelling methods, the aim of these cards is to introduce students and early-career researchers to identify questions and challenges related to the topic of Research Integrity. 

The second workshop presented the Path2Integrity campaign, designed to raise awareness for Research Integrity among secondary school students, undergraduates, graduates and early-career researchers. The campaign targets those groups via booklets, flyers or leaflets, videos on RI, graphical designs for social media, posters and postcards, thematic factsheets, T-shirts and more.

"On behalf of the Path2Integrity consortium, I would like to express my thanks to our partner EUREC office for organising the Path2Integrity mini-conference in Brussels. This event was an outstanding opportunity to bring our first outputs to the attention of key stakeholders. We are very pleased with how well the Path2Integrity learning cards and the first drafts of the Path2Integrity campaign were welcomed and about the feedback that we received. This confirms that our project is on the right track and motivates us for the time coming", said Julia Prieß-Buchheit.