Path2Integrity Webinar Series: The top-down approach to tackling unethical practices

17 JAN 2022

Path2Integrity is happy to announce the final session of the project's webinar series on Equality and Research Integrity. 

Our fifth session will take place on 25 January 2022, and it's entitled "Research integrity starts at the top: The top-down approach to tackling unethical practices". Guest speaker at our virtual event is going to be Nina Peršak. She is a Scientific Director and Senior Research Fellow of the Institute of Criminal-Law Ethics and Criminology (Ljubljana) and Advanced Academia Fellow (Sofia).

The topics of the discussion are specifically tailored to serve the interests of all students, PhD candidates and representatives from academia, however, everyone who might be interested in attending is welcome to do so. 

You can register by sending an email to

If you missed the previous webinars, don't worry! There is plenty of information about research integrity on our website and on our social media., so please have a look there.