responsible conduct of research, reliable research results, teaching and learning
Arja R. Aro

Professor, Co-founder and Chair of the Board at EduRes Consulting Ltd.
Arja's present interest in the area of continued education and development is good research practice and responsible conduct of research. She has functioned as founding member of research ethics committees both in Finland and Denmark. She is a Co-founder and Chair of the Board at EduRes Consulting Ltd, a new company in the area of education export.
Arja has wide experience in international higher education; coordination, developing courses, teaching (e.g. at the University of Southern Denmark (SDU) her main topic was Public Health Ethics) and supervision on BSc, MSc and PhD levels. She was (2012–2017) the Academic Leader and teacher (e.g. Theory of Science) of a BSc education export project of SDU at Princess Noura Bint Abdulrahman University (PNU) in Saudi Arabia. She has trained professionals in Saudi Arabia, Tunisia and Nepal. Arja has experience with numerous international research programs, research councils, universities, funding agencies and projects, including EC-funded research in the roles of coordinator and principal investigator (e.g., WP leader, participant and expert evaluator. She has over 250 publications and has functioned in editorial boards of several scientific journals.
In her retirement she now continues as a Member of the Advisory Board in the EU projects CONFIDE and Path2Integrity.
Arja was Professor of Public Health (August 2005–June 2019) and Research Leader, the Unit for Health Promotion Research (2006–2015) at SDU. Before her career in Denmark she was senior researcher at the National Public Health Institute Finland. She also has NGO experience.